Welcome to Nayagram PRM College

Nayagram Pandit Raghunath Murmu Govt. College started its illustrious journey in the year 2012 when the foundation of this College was formally declared by the Honourable Chief Minister Smt. Mamata Banerjee to cater to the educational needs of the people of Jungle Mahal in Baligeria, Nayagram Block, Jhargram District (erstwhile Paschim Medinipur district). The College started functioning in 2014. The College is named after the legendary personality Pandit Raghunath Murmu (1905-1982) who is held as a great educationist especially as the founder of the ‘Alchiki’ script of ‘Santali’ language.The magnificent College building has been designed to blend in with its pleasant surroundings. The College is fully funded by the Government of West Bengal under the affiliation of Vidyasagar University.

Currently the college offers Honours courses in different disciplines of Humanities and Social Sciences. In addition, General courses are also taught with the purpose of wider dissemination of knowledge.

Nayagram Pandit Raghunath Murmu Govt. College, smiling under the crystal and clear firmament commenced its notable journey in 2012 when the foundation stone was officially laid by the Honourable Chief Minister Smt. Mamata Banerjee with a view to enlightening the people of Jungle Mahal with the light of education. The College began its academic as well administrative activities in 2014. Read More

Upcoming Events

What People Say

Message from the desk of Principal

“Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man” – Swami Vivekananda.

A large segment of the population of Jungle Mahal is economically backward and some of the people of the region are well below the poverty line. Hence, quality education is often denied to them. It is my sincere hope that the establishment of a Govt. College like this will go a long way in imparting higher education to these sections of the society.

At present, the College runs eleven (11) academic departments (offering UG Honours and General Courses in different disciplines of Humanities and Social Sciences) and a Unit of College NSS (National Service Scheme) with a total enrolment of about 1450 students. Yet, students learn more than just what’s taught in classes. They routinely work with faculty not only in the class rooms, but also interact with them beyond institutional boundaries and ... Read More

Dr. Netai Chandra Das

Principal / Officer-In-Charge
Nayagram Pandit Raghunath Murmu Government College

Vision of the College

To impart holistic education to students, to provide them with ample learning experiences and opportunities, to guide them towards the optimum use of their knowledge and skill, and to empower them to become enlightened, empathetic, and socially responsible citizens of the future by instilling in them values of integrity, inclusivity, dedication, freedom, justice, love and confidence, thereby shaping them to be brave and competent agents of positive social transformation.

Mission of the College

  1. To promote a multicultural, multilingual, and secular co-educational learning environment that is inclusive, tolerant, and supportive of the pursuit of knowledge that goes well beyond the explicitly stated demands of the syllabus.
  2. To provide education that is accessible to all and inexpensive in nature, thereby constructing a democratic space fostering academic excellence.
  3. To guide students toward the successful completion of their degrees and channel them towards the pursuance of higher degrees in their selected or allied fields of study.
  4. To train students for greater employability by imparting to them both the academic training and soft skills required to compete with confidence in the professional world.
  5. To be sensitive towards the distinct learning requirements of both advanced and first-generation learners, providing them with all necessary support by devising innovative teaching and learning

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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What is Strategic Planning?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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Practice 1. Classroom Orientation of Students: An Essential and Sincere Effort

Objective of the Practice

It is normal for students to come to educational institutions for the purpose of education. So it is very natural to ask why the college has taken classroom orientation of students seriously as a best practice. The answer to this question lies in the particular socio-economic and ecological position of Nayagram Pandit Raghunath Murmu Govt. College. Nayagram Pandit Raghunath Murmu Government College is located in the sprawling Jangalmahal of the newly formed Jhargram district of West Bengal in an area dominated by Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Although the light of education is slowly coming to these regions, the overall awareness about education is still lacking among the people of this region. Naturally, there is a lack of awareness among the students. The College has noticed the continuing need for such an orientation program for the high school pass outs as the trend towards regular classes is not well observed. And for that particular purpose the College has considered this as its best practice.

The Context

The college is located in the tribal belt of Jangalmahal, so many of the students who get admission to the college are first generation learners and they are not well-off financially. For many students, attending college is considered to be a financial burden so they cannot seek help outside the classroom, such as tuition. But if they attend the class regularly with interest, they will not only succeed in the examination, but shall be able to get a promising future.

The Practice

Following are the steps taken by the college consistently and continuously for classroom orientation of the students:-

  1. The first friendly meeting of Principal, teaching and non-teaching staff with newly admitted students
  2. Fresher’s welcome ceremony
  3. Syllabus discussion meeting
  4. Providing classrooms with all facilities
  5. Power point presentation and smart classroom system
  6. Providing class notes and study material
  7. Ready Answer Sample for Examination
  8. Celebration of Various Commemorative Days
  9. Encouragement to participate in various competitive examinations
  10. Systematic basic computer class for all students
  11. Communicative English class for all students
  12. Encouraging students especially in sports

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Nayagram College is located in a remote area of Jhargram district of West Bengal, far from the city. And the region is inhabited by Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. As a result, although the people of this community are deprived of many facilities of modern civilization, they have got natural vitality, indomitable enthusiasm, work power etc. Given by nature, the children of this region show a lot of skill in sports and physical exercises. Nayagram PRM Government College has noticed this since its inception and has considered this aspect very seriously.

One thing to mention here is that not all students will become professionals in the future. Depending on the inherent talent one can become a sportsman, actor or painter etc. At all times the joyous manifestation of their underlying desire should be taken seriously. Nayagram College has noticed the keen interest and enthusiasm of the students of this region towards sports and their special aptitude in this subject. The college has also observed that the students who get admitted in the college with the aptitude in sports, if they are given real encouragement and proper training, they will be able to succeed in this field in the future. And the college, despite its various limitations, continues to do this very earnestly.

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College Information

Establishment 2014
VU Affiliation
UGC Recognition
Campus Area

A multi-cultural, multi-lingual, and multi-religious milieu conducive to first and second-generation learners. Eighteen highly qualified and dedicated faculty members enhance the academic standards of the college. A good teacher-student ratio provides more attention to students’ individual learning needs. Commendable students’ performance at University Examinations. Many pursue further studies in reputed institutions. Successful implementation of the ‘student-centric’ CBCS curriculum in all its Honours courses from 2018. The augmentation of e-resources and ICT-enabled teaching methodology immensely helped the students during the pandemic and beyond it. Efficient IQAC ensures quality control, academic expansion, partnerships, and productive strategies for overall institutional development and growth. High enrolment of girl students upholds equal opportunities in education. The Grievance Redressal Cell, Anti-Ragging Cell, Internal Complaints Committee, Disciplinary Action Committee, and Career Counseling Cell protect and promote students’ safety, dignity, and future prospects. College First Aid Unit ensures the physical well-being of all stakeholders. Moreover, the College has spatial proximity to a Government Hospital and a Trauma Centre. Many faculty members pursue Extramural Research published in reputed UGC-CARE listed journals. Active NSS unit performs various community outreach activities throughout the year. Philanthropic activities like the Blood donation camp, various Awareness program on Leprosy, TB, Dengue, Child Marriage, etc. help promote the welfare of society and students. We have a Lush green pollution-free campus with a sufficient number of plants. The campus is accessible to differently-abled (Divyangjan) persons, having a well-lit, ramp-enabled entrance and special toilets for convenience. The HEI is secured with security guards and the installation of a Close Circuit TV. The college canteen caters to students and faculty alike.

As a comparatively newly set up Government College, the institution lacks the necessary infrastructure which is easily available at established old colleges. The shortage of classrooms in the college building hinders the allotment of requisite classes in accordance with the CBCS curriculum. Lack of laboratory space and equipment act as deterrents to research conducted by faculty. Insufficient Government funds and their irregular disbursal system pose problems for the college to plan and execute projects. Meagre recurring allotted funds restrict resources for running the establishment, providing AMC of instruments, hiring casual staff, etc. As a fully Government Institute, the college depends entirely on P.W.D for construction and renovation related to civil and electrical works, making quality assurance, maintenance, and monitoring difficult. A low administrative staff to Student/Faculty ratio poses a challenge to the college administration. No funding or permission is available for starting vocational courses, which promote placement opportunities for students. Due to dearth of funds, the library lacks an adequate number of books and staff. The college has no departmental libraries. Students are mostly first-generation learners from rural areas who suffer from a lack of socio-academic exposure. However, some have overcome all odds and aced tough competitive exams. The college has been unable to conduct various capacity-building and skill enhancement classes like UGC Career Oriented Add-on Courses. The College does not have any language laboratories. Due to the paucity of funds, there is minimum provision for organizing seminars. We have to depend mostly on conducting webinars instead. Being a government institution, the College cannot sponsor faculty to either avail memberships of academic bodies or attend seminars/workshops. However, the College authority allows On Duty Leaves to the faculty for such endeavors. Being located amongst dense forests, venomous snakes often show up in the campus. It is indeed a peril for all the stake holders. The college authority, inspite of trying its best, more often than not, fails in preventing the infestation of wasps and their numerous hives throughout the college building. As the college and its catchment area abounds in elephants, these gigantic creatures pose a major threat to the students commuting from distant places to the college, so much so that eager learners are forced to remain absent from classes whenever elephants are heard to be around (mostly during the harvesting season).

Student catchment areas of the institute are mostly rural, and students are mostly first-generation learners. As their social exposure and academic expertise are lacking in many respects, it is relatively easy to groom and prepare them for their future academic journey. The college maintains and encourages communal harmony and national integrity as there are students from different communities in this Higher Educational Institution. The HEI promotes the wholesome development of students from all genders and across all sections of society. It promotes the potential of the students for attaining excellence in their fields under the guidance of the efficient faculty members of the institution, who provide them with constant motivation and support. The college encourages education beyond the syllabus by regularly organizing seminars and workshops on multifarious topics of academic and social interest. Even during the pandemic, webinars were hosted onlineto keep up students’ interest in various subjects. Some of the departments conduct field trips to historical places or sites of biological diversity to enhance the learning aptitudes of students. The institution organizes various socially relevant programs (such as an AIDS awareness program, thalassemia detection, and counseling camp, water conservation awareness program, gender sensitization program, awareness program regarding abuse, awareness program on road safety, mental health awareness program) in collaboration with several govt. and non-govt. organizations to promote the holistic development of the students. The college is located in an area that is rich in biodiversity. This abundance of species present in the surrounding area, the diversity of genotypes, habitats, and ecosystems can be exploited as readily available resources for the Bio-Sciences Departments of this college.

Student catchment areas are mostly rural, and students are mostly first-generation learners. They are more likely to face ‘discouraging’ inhibitors and barriers, such as social backwardness, and financial crisis, and are likely to experience lower levels of ‘encouraging’ factors, such as parental encouragement and motivation for higher studies and research. The institution struggles with a dearth of funds from the government, leading to a deficit of proper infrastructure. Despite having so many learned faculty members, the institute is unable to fully utilize its knowledge and skills because of a lack of classrooms or laboratory space. The college grapples with an acute shortage of classrooms and has to rely on a dynamic routine in order to accommodate simultaneous classes for all three academic years across sixteen departments. The college is trying to increase the number of computers, thereby increasing the student-computer ratio. The college tries to increase the soft skills of the students so that this upcoming generation of learners has the scope to learn and utilize these skills in the future. The college struggles with the ongoing trend of student absenteeism. Many students lack interest in general degree courses and do not show up for classes regularly. Sometimes, students get admitted just to avail scholarships and other benefits provided by the government. A large number of students also tend to drop out due to compulsion regarding marriage and job prospects. Being a government college, procedural delay caused due to administrative paraphernalia of the Government is a recurrent but unintentional obstacle that the Institution faces. The college has no authority or opportunity to fill up vacant teaching and non-teaching posts, which remain unoccupied unless filled at the sole discretion of the Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal. There is minimal scope for introducing innovative teaching-learning techniques given the strict constraints of syllabus completion within the stipulated annual academic schedule set by the affiliating University. Constant demands for a transition of administrative activities to a paperless, online system have become challenging to implement due to the lack of proper and regular training programs for non-teaching staff.

College Notice & Tender