Green Policy

Green Policy

Criterion 7 - Institutional Values and Best Practices

Academic sessions: 2018-19 to 2022-23

7.1.2. Policy document on the green campus

As per the discussions of the meeting of IQAC of Nayagram Pandit Raghunath Murmu Government College held regularly in time to time during 2018-2023 the following resolutions has been adopted for maintaining Clean and Green Campus:

  1. Solar panels will be installed in the rooftop as alternate sources of energy.
  2. As energy conservation measures installation of LED lights in the college will be done.
  3. Student sensitization by campaigning performed by NSS unit within the college campus will be done for save energy, save water programmes.
  4. Class rooms will have signs and posters for save energy and save water messages.
  5. Solid wastes generated in college campus including college canteen will be segregated in different containers and disposed off properly.
  6. College will take initiative for disposal of E-wastes and Solid scraps (wooden & metal) accumulated in all departments and college office through Government approved expert agencies/Government agencies.
  7. Campus will be declared as plastic free campus.
  8. Green Audit will be conducted regularly.
  9. ISO Certification on Energy and Environment will be obtained from the competent certifying agency
  10. Water conservation initiatives will be taken by means of Construction of Rain Water Harvesting and Ground Water Recharging System in the college campus, where rain water as well as waste water flowing through drains will be used to recharge ground water on daily basis.
  11. NSS unit will organize campaigning on Save Water programmes.
  12. All the Toilets and Drinking Water facilities must contain signs for Water Conservation for student awareness.
  13. More ramps will be constructed if needed.
  14. Disabled friendly toilets will be constructed to create disabled friendly, barrier free environment.
  15. Facilities like Wheel Chair services for disabled students will be arranged.
Policy Document