Department of Sanskrit

Department of Sanskrit

Introduction of Department

Sanskrit is a language without whose knowledge we cannot truly understand our own culture and heritage. It is the mother of several modern languages in India. Proficiency in Sanskrit helps us to get entry in the world of Sanskrit. At present different types of lore like History of Science and Medicine, Astrology, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Manuscriptology, Phonetics, Semantics, Lexicography etc. are popular in the field of study. The language Sanskrit takes a pivotal role to accelerate the practice of the above-mentioned sciences. Simultaneously the language is also conducive for the study of literature, Value Education, Religious Studies, Philosophy, Ancient Indian History and Polity etc.

About the Department

The Department of Sanskrit was established in the year 2015. The college is affiliated to the Vidyasagar University. Initially General Degree Course was introduced in the year 2015. Later on, Honours Under Graduate Course was started in the year 2016. The Department of Sanskrit now offers four years Honours with or without Research and three years Multidisciplinary course to their students under the Program NEP 2020.

From the Desk of HOD

Moto of our Department is not only making our students Degree-Holder but also groom them as they become nice human being, so that they can serve our society later.


  1. To create a platform for new knowledge based on Sanskrit heritage.
  2. To promote Indian Knowledge system in all relevant fields.
  3. To bring back Sanskrit as a medium in mainstream Education.
  4. To connect the Sanskrit Concept of ‘बहुजनहिताय वहुजनसुखाय’ & ‘वसुघैवकुटुम्वकम्’ to the modern academia.
  5. To make Sanskrit as a vibrant field of multidisciplinary research.
  6. To develop The Sanskrit Department of NPRMGC as a Sanskrit based knowledge hub.


  1. To provide unlimited invaluable knowledge of ancient Indian heritage.
  2. To build a bridge between the ancient Indian knowledge systems and the current knowledge systems.
  3. To explore ancient sciences and technologies with a modern perspective.
  4. To educate the scholars to be good citizens.
  5. To focus on the exploration of Scientific things allegorically mentioned in Vedas.
  6. Realization of the thinking – भारतस्य प्रतिष्ठे द्वे संस्कृतं संस्कृतिस्तथा ।

श्रद्धावान लभते ज्ञानं तत्परः संयतेन्द्रियः ।
ज्ञानं लभध्वा परां शान्तिमचिरेणाधिगछति ।। श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 4.39

Infrastructural Facilities:

  1. Dedicated Class Room For Semester (Honours)
  2. Departmental Teachers’ Room
  3. Computer With Printer And Internet Facility
  4. Thousands Of Books In College Central Library

Stratagic Plan

Sl.No. Date Title Download

Our Faculty

Prasenjit Pramanik
Assistant Professor
Dr. Tarak Jana
Assistant Professor (HOD)
M.A., Ph.D.
Soumen Chakraborty
Assistant Professor
M.A, M.Phil
Mrinal Pakira
Assistant Professor
M.A, M.Phil

Course Offered

Course Intake Capacity Syllabus
No data available in table


Sl.No. Date Title Download
124 May 2024PO & CO in Sanskrit (Honours)Download
224 May 2024PO & CO in Sanskrit (General)Download


Sl.No. Date of Effect Title Category Download
216 Sep 2023Sanskrit 4 yrs Hons. Prog.NEPDownload
314 Jan 2020Sanskrit Honours SyllabusCBCSDownload
401 Jun 20143 Tier Examination Syllabus3 TierDownload

Teaching Module

Sl.No. Date Title Download


Sl.No. Date Title Download
101 Aug 2024Sanskrit Routine_2022-23Download
201 Aug 2024Sanskrit Routine_2021-22Download
301 Aug 2024Sanskrit Routine_2020-21Download
401 Aug 2024Sanskrit Routine_2019-20Download
501 Aug 2024Sanskrit Routine_2018-19Download

Departmental Notice

Sl.No. Date Title Download

Study Materials

Sl.No. Date Title Semester Download
101 Aug 2024Indo-Aryan Languages1st SemesterDownload

Results (Last 5 Years)

Passing Year – 2019
Admission Year – 2016-2017

Sl. No. Name Registration No Roll No Sex Category Total Marks Marks Obtained Result (in Division)
1 ANUPAMA PAIRA 1310013 31117131-0210 F GEN 800 384 II
2 BISHNUPRIYA SAHOO 1310039 31117131-0214 F OBC-B 800 411 II
3 GOURANGA MOHAN BERA 1310075 31117131-0218 M SC 800 320 II
4 LAKSHMIPRIYA MAHATA 1310105 31117131-0224 F OBC-B 800 383 II
5 MALAPATAM SAREN 1310115 31117131-0225 F ST 800 320 II
6 MOUMITA GHOSH 1310137 31117131-0230 F GEN 800 446 II
7 RUNA PATRA 1310195 31117131-0239 F GEN 800 407 II
8 RUNU SING 1310196 31117131-0240 F ST 800 324 II
9 TANMAY MAHATA 1310279 31117131-0255 M OBC-B 800 295 II

Passing Year – 2020
Admission Year – 2017-2018

Sl. No. Name Registration No Roll No Sex Category Total Marks Marks Obtained Result (in Division)
1 BARSHA MANNA 1310024 311181310174 F 800 440 II
2 BABY MURMU 1310026 311181310175 F 800 470 II
3 GOURI TUDU 1310059 311181310183 F 800 442 II
4 KALPANA KARAN 1310069 311181310185 F 800 471 II
5 PUJA PALAI 1310125 311181310196 F 800 440 II
6 SOMARIKA PAIRA 1310190 311181310207 F 800 469 II

Passing Year – 2021
Admission Year – 2018-2019

Sl. No. Name Registration No Roll No Sex Category Total Marks Marks Obtained Credit Credit Point CGPA Result
1 ANIMA HANSDA 1310010 1116131-180169 F ST 1450 142 7.49 Q
2 ANJAN MAHATA 1310013 1116131-180170 M OBC B 1450 142 7.21 Q
3 ANUSHRI PALUI 1310020 1116131-180171 F 1450 142 Q
4 GURUBARI SAREN 1310092 1116131-180178 F 1450 142 Q
5 PRASENJIT SENAPATI 1310143 1116131-180187 M 1450 142 Q
6 PRATIMA ROUL 1310144 1116131-180188 F 1450 142 7.69 Q
7 PRIYA RANI JANA 1310145 1116131-180189 F GEN 1450 142 7.20 Q
8 SHANTI TUDU 1310180 1116131-180194 F ST 1450 142 7.32 Q
9 SHUVANKAR MANNA 1310181 1116131-180195 M 1450 142 Q
10 SITA BERA 1310183 1116131-180196 F 1450 142 6.77 Q
11 SUPRAVA MAHATA 1310212 1116131-180200 F 1450 142 Q
12 SUPRIYA KARAN 1310215 1116131-180201 F GEN 1450 142 6.94 Q
13 SUPRIYA SAHOO 1310216 1116131-180202 F 1450 142 8.28 Q
14 TAPAS MAHATA 1310227 1116131-180205 M 1450 142 Q
15 UMA BARIK 1310232 1116131-180207 F 1450 142 Q

Passing Year – 2022
Admission Year – 2019-2020

Sl. No. Name Registration No Roll No Sex Category Total Marks Marks Obtained Credit Credit Point CGPA Result
1 ANIL MURMU 1310003 1116131-190146 M 1450 142 Q
2 ANUPAMA MAHATA 1310007 1116131-190147 F 1450 142 Q
3 CHANDRANI MAHATA 1310032 1116131-190150 F 1450 142 Q
4 DOCTOR SAREN 1310041 1116131-190151 M 1450 142 Q
5 JOYDEB JANA 1310049 1116131-190152 M OBC 1450 142 7.90 Q
6 KRISHANU MAHATA 1310057 1116131-190154 M 1450 142 Q
7 KRISHNAPADA KARAN 1310058 1116131-190155 M OBC-B 1450 142 7.17 Q
8 MOUMITA SENAPATI 1310079 1116131-190157 F 1450 142 Q
9 MULUKCHAND MAHATA 1310084 1116131-190158 M OBC-B 1450 142 7.21 Q
10 RAMESH SAREN 1310121 1116131-190160 M 1450 142 Q
11 RINA MAHATA 1310124 1116131-190161 F 1450 142 Q
12 SAMBHU TARAI 1310129 1116131-190162 M 1450 142 Q
13 SANDHYA HEMBRAM 1310134 1116131-190163 F 1450 142 Q
14 SANGITA BHUIA 1310135 1116131-190164 F GEN 1450 142 8.32 Q
15 SANKAR KISKU 1310138 1116131-190165 M 1450 142 Q
16 SAYANTANI SINGHA 1310144 1116131-190166 F GEN 1450 142 8.68 Q
17 SHIBSANKAR MURMU 1310146 1116131-190167 M 1450 142 Q
18 SOMA PATRA 1310156 1116131-190168 F GEN 1450 142 8.38 Q
19 TAPATI MAHATA 1310190 1116131-190170 F OBC 1450 142 8.35 Q

Passing Year – 2023
Admission Year – 2020-2021

Sl. No. Name Registration No Roll No Sex Category Total Marks Marks Obtained Credit Credit Point CGPA Result
1 ANIMA PATRA 1310007 1116131-200143 F GEN 1450 142 7.69 Q
2 ANUPAM MAHATA 1310015 1116131-200144 M OBC B 1450 142 7.85 Q
3 AYUSHI SENAPATI 1310025 1116131-200145 F GEN 1450 142 7.65 Q
4 BISHNUPRIYA BERA 1310031 1116131-200147 F GEN 1450 142 8.32 Q
5 KAKALI SING 1310059 1116131-200148 F ST 1450 142 7.49 Q
6 KARISHMA HANSDA 1310060 1116131-200149 F 1450 142 Q
7 SAGAR MURMU 1310120 1116131-200161 F 1450 142 Q
8 SURUBALI SAREN 1310175 1116131-200167 F 1450 142 Q
9 PRIYANKA PATRA 1310101 1116131-200159 F GEN 1450 142 8.23 Q
10 RADHARANI SAHOO 1310107 1116131-200160 F OBC 1450 142 7.75 Q
11 SANJUKTA GHOSH 1310128 1116131-200163 F 1450 142 Q
12 SILPA PARIA 1310142 1116131-20164 F GEN 1450 142 7.73 Q
13 SOURAV DANDAPAT 1310151 1116131-200165 M GEN 1450 142 7.65 Q
14 SUMITA DAS 1310166 1116131-200166 F GEN 1450 142 8.61 Q

Mentor Mentee

Sl.No. Date Title Download

Previous Year Question Papers

Sl.No. Session Semester Title Download

Extension Activities

Best Practices

The Department of Sanskrit always strives for the overall development of the students in the department. Therefore the Sanskrit Department has taken various steps to keep the students engaged in various activities and cultural programs. One of the original features of the Sanskrit Department is the Sanskrit Magazine, which is written exclusively in Sanskrit by the students of the department. It also provides a certificate course for students to become fluent in Sanskrit speaking, along with reading and writing. Also, this department arranges various seminars, Ashtadhyayi Sutra Antyakshari, training for participating in state-level competitions organised by Central Sanskrit University, etc.

Placement & Progression

Name of Student Year Placement / Progression

